Dallas Innovates: Dallas Regional Chamber Announces Funding to Elevate Southern Dallas County


A cash infusion into 13 organizations—many of them nonprofits—aims to make Southern Dallas County a more verdant, better-informed, and healthier place to live.

A quarter-million dollars from the Dallas Regional Chamber—itself a nonprofit organization—is being directed strategically to lift the people and businesses of Southern Dallas County, which has lagged behind north Dallas County in economic growth.

Southern Gateway Public Green Foundation (The Foundation) aspires to build a green space that is both accessible to the local community—including the 25,000-plus residents within a one-mile radius of the park—and a destination for the city.

The project, which will receive $25,000, includes major renovations to I-35E, countless connectivity enhancements, a major addition to the footprint of the Dallas Zoo, Texas’ largest, and hundreds of millions of dollars in projected economic development.

DRC funds support community engagement, marketing, and outreach efforts related to the future deck park.

Katie Kelton