Take the Survey to Give Your Input to Design and Planning!

The Southern Gateway Public Green Foundation welcomes your ideas for the development of the new deck park near the Dallas Zoo. The Foundation is leading an effort to leverage the current reconstruction of I-35E for inclusive community transformation.

Several decades ago the initial construction of the interstate separated a vibrant community, destroyed homes, destabilized locally owned businesses, and disconnected neighbors. The Foundation is seeking to leverage the new infrastructure as a first step in addressing the chronic North/South divide in Oak Cliff and in Dallas.

The Foundation’s goal is to create an elevated green space that thoughtfully acknowledges the neighborhood’s past and creates a beautiful, useful, and unifying bridge to a connected future.

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Take Our Survey

Discover how your input can help shape the design of the deck park for activities, amenities, culture, health and wellness, connectivity to the park, as well as provide insights on how the community deck park may impact your daily life, community and neighborhood.

Participate in the short survey to provide your valuable input and thoughts for the deck park. All responses are confidential and used solely for the purpose of design and planning for the park.